
We resorted to the use of shotcrete or sprayed concrete in the construction works of swimming pools and small pools, as well as the works of supporting weak soils when digging trenches, tunnels and large roads. As extruded concrete may be reinforced or unreinforced, it may also be extruded dry or wet.
It is about coating the facades of the rock cuts with a galvanized mesh "against rust", an iron mesh of thickness for the wire holes. It is spread over the entire surface of the mountain façades and fixed with iron rods, taking care to create a space between the grille and the mountain, then this façade is sprayed (with a throwing system) with a layer of high-quality dry concrete. Thus, the general shape of this facade is transformed from a rocky, mountainous, unsafe and heterogeneous facade into a homogeneous panel that gives confidence in safety and prevents the fall of rocks and dust of small size and resists erosion factors for decades.